Transport Planning is Evolving
Transport planning is about connecting people through land planning and transport connections.
Historically there has been a strong focus on motor vehicles but now and in the future there is a focus on public transport, active modes (walking and cycling), addressing inequality (whether social or physical) and new forms of transport such as micro mobility such as eScooters.
Transport Studies
We have experience in undertaking a range of both urban and rural transport studies including corridor studies and network wide transport studies.
We utilise a range of traditional methods, combined with new technology such as Google travel time and speed data to assist in understanding the baseline, with 1st principles assessment of lands and network changes to predict future scenarios and impacts on travel time reliability.
Business Cases
As both individuals and as a company we have prepared a range of business cases, including programme, strategic, single stage and detailed cases.
Key reasons for our selection to deliver these has been our ability to right size the business case and to assemble best for project teams through our relationships with specialist providers.
Our team has worked closely with Waka Kotahi’s Independent Quality Assurance team on a number of business cases to ensure alignment and a no surprises approach to delivery.
Travel Demand Planning
Travel demand plans can result in both infrastructure and behavioural outcomes which not only provide wider network and community benefits (through modal shift) but also commercial or consent compliance benefits as well as providing more transport options for employees.
Our team will work closely with you and your team to understand the existing baseline, challenges and opportunities during the development of your travel demand plans.
Peer Reviews
Our team is experienced in undertaking independent peer reviews of business cases, project economics, cost estimates, transport studies and feasibility reports.
We work closely with both the client and the consultant to understand the scope and constraints of the projects prior undertaking peer reviews. Entry and exit meetings form a key part of our peer reviews.
Transport / Project Economics
Our team is experienced in preparing transport economics as per the Waka Kotahi Economic Evaluation Manual as well as undertaking assessments of wider economic benefits.
We also work closely with specialist sub consultants to assist in the preparation of wider economic assessments as required.
As is the case with the preparation of business cases we liaise with Waka Kotahi’s Independent Quality Assurance team throughout the development of economics to ensure there are no surprises.
Integrated Transport Assessments
Depending on the scale of the development or the consenting authority’s requirements an integrated transport assessment (ITA) maybe required to support your resource consent application.
ITA’s have a wider focus than a traffic impact assessment which may suffice for smaller developments. ITA’s review planning and infrastructure documents, may look at the wider transport network as well as more multimodal transport options.